Hearing impairment affects millions worldwide, influencing Communication, social interactions, and overall well-being. Pure Tone Audiometry measures an individual’s hearing. sensitivity across different frequencies, from low to high pitches. During to test, individuals wear headphones and signal when they hear tones, allowing audiologists to plot their responses on an audiogram. This graph displays the thresholds at which different frequencies can be heard, offering a comprehensive snapshot of the indivi-dual’s hearing ability.

Purpose of pure tone audiometry (PTA test for ear)
Diagnosis and Understanding Hearing loss:-
Pure tone audiometry (pta test for ear ) as the primary method for diagnosing and catagorizing the nature and extent of hearing impairment. It distinguishes between sensorineural, conductive and mixed hearing loss, providing critical information for treatment planning.
Personalized Treatment Planning:-
Based on the audiogram results, audiologists can interve- ntions to the individual’s specific hearing needs. This might involve recommending hearing aids, cochlear implants or other assistive devices to improve auditory function.
Monitoring and intervention:-
Regular pure tone audiometry assessment are essential for monitoring changes in hearing thresholds over time. This ongoing evaluation ensures that intervention remain effective and allows for timely adjustment if needed.